
My Journey

  USask graduate turns passion into action with JSGS - News - University of Saskatchewan


  Conflict  is an active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles. ( Cambridge Dictionary). Below are some pointers on how to control conflicts : 1. Find ways to control feeling 2. Understand that it's not anger but how to handle it. 3 . Talk about your feelings 4. Create a process for resolving problems without anger 5. Listen to your body 6. Recognised that abuse is never allowed 7. Recognised it is not about winning 8. Give the other person a chance to speak. What not to do 1. Avoid or deny the conflict 2. Give in rather than work through the conflict 3. Get mad and blame the other person 3 Use power and influence to get your way 4. Appear to compromise, but in reality, we are trying to manipulate 5. Raise your voice, threaten your relation, stockpile every conflict. Express anger constructively 'I' Statement 'I' Think 'I ' Feel 'I' Need Healthy conflict Resolutions 1. Find a good time to talk about different subject 2. Ide

Fallen But Not Broken

Joylin Pinto postulate, "I'm fallen but not broken, I'm broken but not shattered, I'm shattered but not dead." This quote can serve as a cushion for us if we fall, and once it doesn't result in death, we can rise again. All we need to do is rest a little, formulate a plan that will assist you in rising again, then execute that plan. Life will kick you hard, and you will face many defeats in life, but never let yourself be defeated and never give up.  This journey in life is not without failure, disappointment and hardship, but once you have a strong mindset and supportive individuals in your corner, you will overcome life's challenges.

I See Color

... when I look at you. Your variegated disposition shapes your uniqueness.     The spectral colors that illuminate your quintessential being rapture enviousness in me. The more I look at you, the more color I see, and the more I see you. You are not just pulchritudinous - but a rare masterpiece I'm quite envious of. You make it impossible to bypass your aura. So, how can I not see you, when I look at you?       Shernette Shaw- Clarke   

Change It

  If your life story is not unfolding the way you want, guess what change the narrative. It's quite, ok to rewrite your story you are the author of your life. You decide who is a part of your story and how it should go. If your career path or job is not what you had dreamed about, you know what to do, change it. If your relationship is not going according to your expectation change it so it can become the one you want. Don't settle in life reach for the star and take that risk. Everything you pursue in life makes sure it's an excellent representation of you.  Mediocrity, giving up, not taking a calculated risk, not going after your dream should not be a part of your story. If by choice it is, guess what it's time to close or rewrite that chapter. Excellence should be your new mantra in whatever you pursue. Life is too short for one not to be living one's dream. Whatever is not going the way you want or anticipate, you go ahead and change it. It is better to have tri