The Defining Moment

There will be several defining moments in your life, but each one can be an opportunity to become a force to reckon with. Remember Les Brown's words: "Don't let someone else's opinion of you become your reality."

As Les Brown eloquently states, "When life knocks you down, try to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up." This is one of many defining moments in your life—it will either break you or make you stronger. Life is rough, life is hard, and people will play cards you never expect. But never shrink who you are for anyone else; be the best version of yourself.

Whenever life knocks you down, and it will on numerous occasions, it’s fine to stay down for a while to regain strength, resilience, hope, and faith. But it's never okay to remain there because that's not where God wants you to be or who He wants you to become. So get up and start moving forward because there is greatness within you, and staying down will never unleash that greatness.

Let today be a defining moment where you close the door to the past and open the door to the future. Take a deep breath, step on through, and start a new chapter in your life.


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