Mother The Heartbeat

Mother,  I have searched relentlessly for a definition for this term. One that will encompass all that a mother is and the one that stands out was the one given by  Susan Diranian, "A mother is a selfless, loving human who sacrifices many of their wants and needs for the wants and needs of their children. "  
Happy Mother's Day 

Today is celebrated as Mother's Day and I want to honour all the wonderful mothers who are a perfect example of the definition above. It's undeniable that many have grown or still growing with a mother who wouldn't care one bit about their needs and wants. So while we pause to celebrate  our mothers; I want to highlight  some of the characteristics  of a good mother:
  • An excellent role model. 
  • Empathic
  • consistent
  • Forgiving
  • Good listener
  • Possess unconditional  love
  • Patient 
  • Determined 
  • Visionary 
  • Responsible
Mother is one of the greatest responsibilities or duties that have been bestowed upon a woman. A mother is entrusted and is responsible for the training, security, health, emotional strength,  discipline and the learning success of their children.  In most cases what a  mother teaches their child will ultimately determine their future. It's a well-known statement that " The  hand that rocks the cradle rules the world." Mother should be the first and notable the best teacher; so mothers  I implore you that amidst the celebration today, take a few minutes to review how you have been executing your duties and make adjustments where necessary. 

As Leroy  Brownlow eloquently  stated  that "A Mother is a heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob." I couldn't agree more because if a mother fails to perform her duties then it will result in a dysfunctional home.

So mothers I charge you today and beyond to execute your duties and responsibilities that have been bestowed upon you to the best of your abilities. Wherever you are experiencing shortfalls seek help,  that can assist you in becoming an excellent mother.   Remember you are the heartbeat in the home and if that heart ceases to function properly it will not only affect your home but ultimately the entire universe; mothers you can't let that happen. Happy Mother's day.

Leave a comment below about your mother on this special day.




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