Creating The New Normal

Living in a complex world with numerous changes all around us can make one feel uncertain or even fearful about the present and even the future. However, the wonderful thing is that we have the opportunity to start building our resilience. Resilience is the ability to thrive in times of change and uncertainties. 

The tips below can be used to take on a more flexible and resilient mindset: 

1. Accepting what's out of your control If you focus on that which you have no control over will only leave you feeling frustrated and exhausted. If uncertain circumstances or decisions present themselves and are not in your power to control, my advice to you is to let it go. Taking this approach will help you move on and focus your energy more positively.  Remember you may not be able to change the realities but what you can change is how you respond to it.

2. Embrace change, Nothing is constant, therefore instead of concentrating on the disruptive aspects take a flexible approach and accept that change is a fundamental part of life that can also bring opportunities and positive outcomes.

3. Stay focused on the bigger picture Avoid catastrophizing and focus on the real or more realistic impact. Looking at it from a broader perspective can help you more accurately assess its significance.

4. Maintain a positive attitude  Resilience doesn't mean you have a positive feeling about every negative situation.  It means that despite something going wrong you believe you can and will do your best to deal with the situation and move forward.

5. Connecting with others having people around you with whom you can share feelings, discuss problems and receive advice is an essential part of weathering life's storm. 

Resilience is one of the most important keys needed to survive this global pandemic and it will assist you in creating the new normal.


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