Sometime it lasts and sometime it don't

To be in a relationship and to be in love is beautiful; love encompasses a range of strong and positive emotional and mental states. Love should be dynamic and not static.  As Adele mention in her song that "Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead". If your relationship last, keep embracing the experiences and lesson you've learnt during the journey. Ensure that you work together to correct any shortcomings you might encounter.
Whenever you encounter these shortcomings don't turn a blind eye, but correct them because it can determine if it lasts in love or hurt instead.  

Like many of us, we fail to adjust the small problems or turn a blind eye, which eventually leads to major problems in the long run. If you don't like something your partner does talk to him/her about it in the early stage because he/she may not be aware of the negative impact that it has on you. Correcting the problems as they occur is vital in the success of a relationship. A relationship should enrich your life not cause you added burden, sleepless nights, heartache and stress. If you are in a relationship and it cause you all these and more you need to take a step back and reevaluate it.

If it hurt instead, take as much time you need to recover from it but don't get stuck in a state of bitterness. Ensure the lessons you have learnt you use to become a  better version of yourself and to correct any future problems you might encounter.

According to one writer love single-handed is the most mysterious, powerful, and beautiful thing ever achieved by humankind.  


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